It feels like it's been forever since my last post. Sorry guys, but things have been busy. And I've kind of been all over the place. And I've been getting a million spammy comments from this blog which has been annoying. Anyway! Today's post is about the new hot thing in the children's book world - graphic novels. If you haven't seen them before, think comic book but longer. Since I've never been a comic book fan, I wasn't very excited about these when they started coming out. I must admit, most of the time, I don't give a crap about superheroes. But graphic novels are getting interesting - they're not just about the Green Latern anymore. Here are two that I've read and really enjoyed.
American Born Chinese. this just won the prestigious ALA Printz award - the first graphic novel to ever do so. This book has three storylines, but the common thread is racism. This graphic novel combines ancient legend with every day conflict in a way that has never really been done before (at least not that I've seen) and of course, it's one of few books out there that focuses on the Asian characters. I read it in a single lunch hour, and recommend picking it up.
Blankets. This graphic novel is a love story, which I am almost always a sucker for. The main character is about seventeen - struggling with a heavy Christian upbringing, thoughts of becoming a priest and of course, his first love. I read this in one night too - the story pulled me in and the illustrations only made it more poignant,
Despite my uncertainty about graphic novels, I really enjoyed both these books. My company is at work on one of these too - we're hoping it will be out by the end of 07!