The 9th Annual Christmas Shopping Trip

Pictured here is Kel, in Coach - buying bags for pretty much everyone she knows. They had such good deals in Coach that we both bought numerous things in there - though Kel gets the medal for most bags ever purchased in Coach at a single time. In some stores, the deals were pretty decent - in others - not so much. But despite the face that it rained both days, and was much colder on Thursday - we were troopers, shopped for a total of 17 hours over both days, and got 95% of our shopping done.
The funny quotes from the trip are:
"I'm going to make it stop raining by willing it to stop. The Secret says I can" then - "See? I told you it would be done by the time we finished lunch."
"We cannot go back to the car after every single store."
"We can't listen to Christmas music because the CDs are buried under the packages."
"I'm not leaving here without my mother's fucking gloves."
"$2.00 a box? Fuck you!"
That's all I can remember right now. Good trip though!
Labels: christmas shopping trip, presents, Woodbury Commons
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