I know that many of you have been anxiously awaiting the update on the annual Christmas shopping trip, so please accept my apologies for the long wait. A long weekend in Los Angeles (post to follow) sort of got in my way of writing it. Anyway, Kelly and I went last week on what we figured to be the 7th annual Christmas shopping trip. That's what we did on the car ride up - try to figure out how many years we'd been doing this trip. So the conversation sounded something like this.
Okay, when was the first trip?
The year I bought my ex the Movado.
Right. Then there was the year we stayed in the room that was thirty miles out of the way...
and smelled like an ash try threw up in it!
Yes! Then there was the year I had a migraine...
and the year I had a sinus infection...
Yup - that was the same year we first stayed with our family...
and ate in the same Friendly's restaurant, twice in the same day, and at first didn't even realize it.
We basically accounted for all but one year - there must have been one year where everything went so smoothly that we barely even remember it. Oh well. But anyway, here are some of the other quotes from this one:
Jenn, this store is really expensive. You are going to choke in here.
Hot dog for the road!
This room smells like an ash try threw up in in too! This room is the runner up to the the other room that wins the worst smelling room ever award. If the other hotel burns down, then this room could step up an fulfill that room's duty as the worst smelling room.
In the elevator in the hotel, two middle aged women with a million packages get on. "Where are your packages?" They ask us. "In the car." Kelly says. "I suppose we should have left ours in there." one of them said. "No, no," the other said. "We have to look through everything and see where we are." They got off, and Kelly said with a wistful sort of smile, "They are on the same trip that we are, you know that right?" I nod and say "Yeah, that's us in twenty years!" then we shake our heads and say "Amateurs! You don't need to take all the stuff out of the car!" You do what Kelly and I do - write it all down at dinner, figure out what and who you still need to buy for, and plan that for tomorrow.
Reindeer mat! And glasses! Kelly's getting dumped!
Christmas carols! Rebekah got her annual annoying message with the dogs barking jingle bells, and Drapo was treated to a message of the chipmunk christmas song.
I'm cute. Put me in charge. Happy bunny!
Last but not least, Kelly telling the employees at Target as she pays for her stuff, "I work at this shithole, so I get a 10% discount."
Thanks Kel for another fun shopping trip. Can't wait for the next one! :-)