
We were pretty psyched, Vermont was expecting snow, so it seemed like a good weekend to go. When we arrived at the hotel, the first thing we did was put on the TV, and we left it on the Killington "get psyched about snowboarding/skiing channel" (trademark Eric) which is basically looping musical montages of people doing cool tricks with snowboards and skiis and big jumps and wipeouts.
To the slopes! I'm still learning so while the others headed up the lifts at Snowshed, I headed for the bunny hill. Here's what my snowboarding experience was like:
I spent most of the two days alone on the bunny slope, trudging up the hill again and again, strapping up, wobbling a bit as a stood up, surveying the mountain with a satisfied smile, and then gingerly leaning forward on the board, pointing it downwards. And I glide, picking up speed. At this point, one of three things would happen. One, I would lean back and successfully slow the board to a stop, and then move back into forward gliding. Two, I would pick up too much speed, try to stop and end up falling because I'm not good at stopping yet. Three, I would be turning the board left and right in a "falling leaf" motion, then spin around backwards, really panic and end up doing some kind of a somersault. Ow. But I was getting better by the end of day one, and experimenting with more speed and a bit of a bigger hill on Day two. Feeling like I improved was huge, and I'm getting closer to being ready for the lift.
And of course, when we weren't snowboarding, we were laughing and being silly. Here are some of the quotes from this weekend:
That's fast math!
The gas is on the right! No, the brake is on the left!
Your bed is a racecar! I know, but I'll just fall asleep faster.
Lord Helmet! Lonestar!
Wait, I thought you said... (missed communications galore!)
Looks like someone decided to grow a pair of balls and speed up!
There's nothing like a good game of jenga with the firewood...
I'm going to have some pictures for you guys, soon, I promise. I'll post them when I get them developed. And thanks guys for such a fun weekend!