Knowing When To Stop

-Matt showing up at my house on Saturday morning already decked out for Staurday night. Dark blue button down shirt, black velvet jacket, sunglasses. he was Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven, and I made him say "We're gonna knock over a casino"
Pat being in the middle of a sentence and stopping to stare at Drapo. All of us hang there, waiting for Pat to speak again when he says "That would be perfect!" Turns out that Pat is going to be Indiana Jones for Halloween, and Drapo was wearing a brown leather jacket that would complete the outfit perfectly. He broke out the brown fedora hat he bought and it did look good. Drapo awesomely loaned Pat his jacket on Sunday when we got home, and Pat gave Drapo a black one of his as "collateral".
-On the car ride down, Roy broke out his ipod and treated us to the wackiest road trip compilation of songs ever. We heard Christmas music, showtunes, kids music and I don't even know what else. Our favorites (and by that I mean the ones that generated the most laughs) were "C is for Cookie", "The Hokey-Pokey", "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and "Supercalifragalisticexpialadocious". Thanks for the awesome soundtrack Roy!
-I'd like to point out that in this group, we had two Matts, two Jens, two Michelles and two Steves. And since a lot of these people hadn't met everyone else before - it was confusing to say the least.
-For dinner, thirteen of us paraded up to the hostess and we asked to be seated together if possible. The woman asked how many we were and took my name. Pat said later that I should have said, "13" when she asked how many of us there were, but I should have said "Jesus" when she asked my name.
-Michelle's impression one of our trip friends posing for pictures. Too funny for words.
-Roy's roll at the craps table. I was told that he was rolling for about a half an hour. The table was chanting "Roy!" whenever he rolled, and everybody was making money. Nice.
-Pat and I managed to stay in the poker room until after 4:30 a.m. When we finally left, there was brochure at the cashier window that said, "Knowing When to Stop" and it's where this blog post gets its name. At breakfast the next day, we were reading some of the questions inside that we thought were funny like:
Do you have an urge to celebrate any good fortune by a few hours of gambling?
Do you ever gamble for longer than you had planned?
Are you reluctant to use "gambling money" for normal expenditures?
-Misti's craps roll in the morning - she made me and Michelle some money!
-Drapo and Roy's antics with Matt's car at the rest stop - putting the windshield wipers straight up and twisting the blades around. Of course matt's all in the car and seat belted in before he realizes and has to get out and fix it. Funny.
-Cheesequake! It has much to offer. Seriously. It does.
Anyway, all in all it was an awesome weekend. Even more so since I left AC up $160. It's all about knowing when to stop, see? Thanks for the fun weekend guys!