Jenn & Kel's annual Christmas shopping trip

Okay, I know I'm a loser and I haven't been posting. But I've been busy! Case in point - last week Kelly and I took our annual outlet shopping trip to Connecticut to Christmas shop. For those of you who don't know what this is (and at this point there aren't many of you) Kelly and I take two days off in the middle of the week, leave NY state, and drive to a set of outelts in PA or CT and shop our heads off, stay in a crappy motel, and just laugh and hang out. So on our little adventure, we managed to accomplish the following:
Stayed in a quaint bed and breakfast that weirded Kel out at first - "We're like, staying in these people's house!" Photo of the exterior on the right!
Scored massive bargains at the outlets - my most notable one being the purchase of a knit poncho from BCBG - original price: $148 - Jenn's sale price: $19. BOO-YA!
Completed eighty percent of my Christmas shopping. It's a little hard to shop for Kel when she's with you the whole time. ;-)
Sang "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" five times. Kel and I listen to all Christmas music during this trip - and some CDs repeat stuff like this. (But we sort of love it).
Ate in the same Friendly's restaurant twice. This was a complete accident. We ate lunch there, fine. Then for dinner, we just starting driving down the road, looking for anywhere to eat. Options are limited in the middle of nowhere CT. We approached the restaurant from a different way, so we didn't know it was the same one until we were inside. We are such losers.
Had lots of fun! Kelly and I usually laugh for about 48 hours straight on this trip, and this time was no exception. Thanks for the fun trip Kel!
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