Halloween baby

Halloween felt like it had its own season this year - like Christmas, or the way there's 40 days of Lent leading up to Easter. I did more Halloweeny things this year than I used to when I was a kid - part of which was due to Greg being in town and never having been to the parade or huge Halloween parties, and part of it being that everyone in the free world called me up and said they had a great place for me to go on Halloween.
Picture above is Michelle and I at Pat, Eric and Joe's Annual Halloween bash. The invitation on Eric's blog said "Wear a costume, or be mercilessly mocked", and everyone came through in fine style. Props to Roy for donning not one but TWO costumes - one unbelievably complicated and one just damn funny. (Pics to follow).
After Pat's we headed for Mars 2112 for a big obnioxious costume party. I was Dorothy, as you all see. Kim was a sexy candy striper, Matt was a priest, Roy, a pimp, Greg, Napoleon Dynamite, Ryan was a rabbi, Mike and Mariano were jedis, and Kelly was a cheerleader. We danced the night away there, checking out everyone else's costumes. we found a guy dressed like Uncle Rico and Greg took a picture with him. My favorite costume was this guy who was dressed as a gingerbread man, in a huge Gumby like costume. He was dancing his head off - made which made the costume even funnier.
Shari, sorry I missed your party - but I was Halloweened out. Maybe next year!
wow jenn. you really look like dorothy. great costume! looking forward to seeing you tonight!
Oh my gosh! Jen you are Dorothy's twin sister! lol! Send me a pic of this so I can put it in my scrapbook.
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