Somehow, Jenn gets to go to the coolest concert happening - U2!

So as luck would have it - my awesome friends deemed me worthy to attend the U2 concert at the Garden on Friday night. Onnik "had a guy" and was able to get his hands on some extra tickets. Sweet. Matt and I were up in the second tier - but just east of the stage, and all in all, we had a great view. The lights go down, the music starts, and the concert begins.
The lighting was great for this show - they had these huge curtains of big bulbs (think the strings of Christmas lights in National Lampoon's Christmas vacation) and they rolled them down and lit them up rainbow for the first song "The City of Blinding Lights". Everyone was on their feet of course, and it didn't stop for the next two hours. Favorite parts of the show - Bono was talking about how U2 had been on Conan O'Brien the night before. Apparently the Edge had been dressed as a spaceman for part of that, so Bono then said,
"You know, the Edge looks good in a spacesuit, and that's because the Edge really is a Spaceman. Years and years ago me, Adam and Larry were hanging out on the North side of Dublin, when all of a sudden this space ship came down. The hatch opened, and out walked the Edge, and he looked so good. And Larry said, 'Who are you?' and the Edge said, 'I am the Edge'. Then Adam said, 'Where do you come from?' and the Edge said, 'I come from the future.' and we couldn't believe we were standing in the midst of a spaceman from the future, so then I said, 'What's it like there?" and the Edge said 'It's better.'
At that they went into "Miracle Drug" and we loved it. Later Bono asks us to take out our cell phones. "Let's turn this place into the Milky Way," he said. And with the Garden dark and thousands of cell phones lit up - the place really did look like the night sky. It was awesome. Then Bono asked us to put in our names for a petition to end poverty by entering in some number. Everybody did it happily - and it occurred to me that Bono is probably the only musician today who can push a political agenda at his show and not only get away with it, but be praised for it.
Special thanks to Matt and Onnik for thinking of me and getting me tickets. I had a great time guys! ;-)
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