Let's Go Mets!

-Sitting about ten-fifteen rows up from the field in a company box on the first base line. It was the closest I'd ever been to the field, and it made you feel like you actually had a shot at catching a foul ball.
-Having passes to the Diamond Club. It was cool to finally see what was up there, a bar and grill and another store to purchase Mets stuff in. Although it made me laugh when Karen looked around at all the patrons eating salad and stuff and said, "What the hell would you want to be in here for?"
-Karen saying she liked being able to watch the planes going by so low (landing at LaGuardia), which was immediately followed by Chuck slapping his head in frustration.
-Me saying that my objective at Mets' games at Shea is to see the "Home Run" big apple go up, which was immediately followed by Chuck slapping his head in frustration.
-Karen wanting to eat sushi at Shea even thought it was deemed "Utterly inappropriate" at a ballpark by Chuck. She did get it though.
-Adnan telling Karen that the scoreboard of "K"s actually stood for Karen, and how many times he thought of her during the game.
-Getting a Mets hat for the first time in years and wearing it at the game. Yay!
-Knowing I had better seats than all three of my bosses who also happened to be at the game. I was sure to wave from down front. :-)
-And last but not least, remembering what it feels like to be at a baseball game at night in cool spring, cheering for hits and home runs and being all excited to watch your home team fight for the victory.
Thanks again Chuck! Glad we all were able to go.
Well, it is easy to see who the real baseball fan was, he said, slapping his head in frustration. Sushi? The home run apple? Yes, those are certainly good reasons to get onto the 7 train to deepest Flushing. Nevertheless, a tip of the Mets cap to Carlos Beltran, without whose 16th inning home run we would probably still be there.
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