Sometimes when you least expect it, life hands you a blueberry martini

So after the movie, we shrug and say, "Oh, let's have one more drink." So Drapo leads us to a rather swanky hotel just off Boston Common where the lounge is low key and perfect for hanging out. He's got beer and I've got wine, but soon I notice a familiar bottle and the bartender wants to know what I'm looking at. I say I'm admiring the Icelandic vodka, and it turns out that Frank (the bartender) is a fan. He says he'll whip me up a great cocktail, and soon there's a blueberry martini in front of me - Icelandic vodka and Finnish blueberry liquor. Yum.
So now I'm drinking this fabulous martini and somehow Drapo and I start talking to this pretty drunk guy next to us named Randal. He was fairly amusing and fascinating, and there's lots of funny comments and conversation. Drapo and I are still trying to figure out which one of us he was interested in. We also think he may have wanted both of us! Room 234? Was that it Drapo?
We closed down the hotel bar, and were sent on our merry way. In the lobby of the hotel, somehow I start talking to a group of friends who were also drinking at the hotel bar, and they invite Drapo and I to join them for more martinis. So off we go, into the north end, where we are drinking black and blue martinis until two a.m. This one guy in the group, Jason was quite a character, and had us laughing the entire time with his crazy antics.
The next morning Drapo and I didn't move around much - we got ourselves up and out for coffee, and that was enough. But the night of blueberry martinis was one of the most fun I've had this year, and I'm so glad that the night took an unexpected turn. Thanks again for the fun weekend Drapo!
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