I recently read a book called "The Odd Woman" by this author, Gail Godwin, and I enjoyed it so naturally I went looking to see what else she had written. I was delighted to discover that this book, The Making of a Writer: Journals 1961-1963 was available. When Gail Godwin was 24, she went abroad and lived for a couple of years in Copenhagen, London and a few other places and devoted herself to writing. For me, as both a journalist and hopeful author, this book really speaks to me - it contains a lot of the questionning and uncertaintity that comes with writing - but also a lot of the drive and passion necessary to get the job done. Besides the writing - it's quite amusing to read about her romantic exploits - I can hardly believe how much her journal entries sound like my own sometimes.
It's sad that you write such a passionate blog entry and the only response you get (not that any are expected, of course) is from a dude hawking porn. After I sign up for this porn (which I'm SURE really is free), I'm going to give 'abunnyinpink' a piece of my mind--the part not occupied with porn, that is...
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